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Words Often Heard in Blackjack

Words Often Heard in Blackjack

Whether it’s online casinos in Thailand or other countries. One thing that will be used in common is the blackjack terminology. When he said something and we made a mistake. It would be seen as a young chicken to slaughter. Which the terminology is not much. The ones that are

The basics of playing blackjack

 The basics of playing blackjack

   In fact, playing blackjack at various online casinos has many different ways of playing. Although they look different, they have the same basic gameplay as follows. The dealer deals 1 card to each player with their cards face down. then give it to yourself The dealer begins

The origin of the card game BLACKJACK

The origin of the card game BLACKJACK

The origin of the card game BLACKJACK is not yet conclusively proven. But it is likely that the origin of the bet is from France. This is a betting game called Vingt-et-un (literally 20 and 1 or 21). The nature of this game is that cards are

Pokdeng cards Special Points

Pokdeng cards Special Points

When two cards of the same suit or rank Considered a double bounce win. It will receive double the payout rate When three cards of the same suit or rank Considered to win three bounces. It will receive a payout rate three times If the hand of three cards

Where does the bounce come from

Where does the bounce come from

Than to be the most popular bounce card of Thai people to this day. Originally, it was originally scheduled to come from China. It was played with cards decorated with various symbols before becoming popular all over the world due to Chinese immigration and trading, and in